Dashboard Elenco blog Il Meeple con la Camicia SODA POP - Backerkit Preview
Per visualizzare il video dei accettare i consensi "Esperienza"
Hey there! Today we're talking about 4 little cans with 4 big abstract games for 2 players! The new thrilling crowdfunding campaign by Thundergryph games, now live on Backerkit

Follow this link to go to the campaign!


Link for this video

00:00 Hey!
01:20 Forgenesis
02:49 Cat a Comb
04:10 Light Seeker
05:35 Top Cap
06:16 First impression

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meepleconlacamicia/

Instagram: oivalf_deleo

Email: meepleconlacamicia@gmail.com

Backgroud music by Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio ​
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